Resisting Evil Influence


Texts: 1 Cor 15:33, Prov 12:26, ROM 12:2, James 4:4

What is influence?

Influence is the ability of a person to make others to think, feel or behave in a specific manner.

Constant exposures to influences

Life has to do with the relationships that we have with others; we do not live alone. We are always surrounded by people: parents, children, spouses, siblings, teachers, and leaders, to name a few. In our daily encounters with others, we come across all types of people with various attitudes and philosophies (Families, friends, co- workers, neighbours etc). It’s normal for us to want to be accepted, and we often do our best to fit in and be a part of the crowd. The only problem is that, if we’re not careful, we can be influenced negatively.

The evil influences come at us from all directions. We often deal with people at school and in our neighborhoods who live lives that are the total opposite of God’s way. When we scroll through our social media feeds, we will see things we wish we hadn’t—bad language, inappropriate pictures and advertisements that encourage us to watch and do things we shouldn’t.

Power to choose the influences you want the ones you don’t want

Being aware of ungodly influences around us and resisting them can keep us out of dangers of evil influences. Evil influences are everywhere, and those who are unaware of them are particularly susceptible to their impact. This can lead to poor choices, toxic lifestyles and unhappiness in general. To maintain a safe and healthy distance from harmful people and things, you must cultivate an awareness of them and their potential effects. Wherever they come from, there are hundreds of things that put dents in your motivation, self-confidence and happiness. It could be a friend or family member who seems only to criticise you, or it could be a nasty habit that you can’t shake.

We must remain people of uncompromising integrity even in an ungodly society. Daniel is an excellent example. He was not offensive or disrespectful , but he refused to compromise on any command of God(Dan 6:5-10). Our lifestyle must reflect the love and righteousness of God. Samuel was also a good example of a young man who refused to be influenced negatively by the evil that prevailed in the house of his guardian.

Evil influences can come from:

  1. Parents ( Don’t be surprised some parents can be of negative influence on their children)
  2. Friends, siblings, co-workers, neighbours, social media ( especially in this 21st century )
  3. Church members that not really in Christ.
  4. Fiancé/fiancée

How to resist  evil influences

  1. Know your God: This is not just taking Christianity as a religion. Its about your personal knowledge of God. (Dan 11:32b). This helps you to be uncompromising  even if its your pastor asking you to do what’s against the will of God . Gideon had an idolatorous father yet he was not negatively influenced( Judges 6:25)
  2. Choosing our friends wisely: The people we spend time with will eventually have an impact on our thinking, for good or bad. Just as keeping company with positive people rubs off on us, associating with negative people affects our attitude for the worse. “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character’” (1 Corinthians 15:33, NIV).
  3. Guard your minds with all diligence: It’s important to guard our minds because what we allow into our minds, goes a long way to determine our next move. Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23, NKJV)
  4. Refusal to cave in to peer pressure: Worldly philosophy suggests that to be popular and well-liked, we must be willing to compromise our values and go along with everyone else. It’s not easy to stand firm on what we know is right, but when we do, our self-respect is strengthened. Refusing to be moved also sets an example for others who may be facing the same temptation. “In all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; (Titus 2:7, 8, NKJV).
  5. Identify the bad influences in your life: Recognizing them can be challenging, so it is necessary to carefully analyze how you respond to external factors. Consider how you feel about yourself after spending time with some individuals, and whether you are at your best when you’re with them. A friend who successfully manages to convince you to stay out late the night, or an acquaintance who encourages drug use as a means of having fun, is an evil influence.
  6. Set firm personal boundaries: Once you are aware of who and what negatively influences you, you can set limits accordingly. To effectively assert your boundaries, be firm, honest and respectful. This means explaining to the negative people in your life that you will no longer have contact with them.
  7. Take deliberate steps to maintain distance from your negative influences: For instance, you may avoid the places where you are likely to see them or limit contact with mutual acquaintances. It is also necessary to reflect on the reasons you may have engaged in these toxic relationships for as long as you did. Doing so may help you avoid unhealthy relationships in the future.

How to overcome evil influences

  1. You need to know that you are unique

There is no identical you. Somebody may look like you but can never be you. For instance, you have a different finger print from anybody. It also means that you can’t be anybody else no matter how much you try. Even if you change your appearance, you are still you. So accept who you are, love who you are! You are not at all inferior to anybody. It is just what you think. You are unique and special!

  1. Have a purpose: A wise man said that when a purpose is unidentified, abuse is inevitable. Discover your purpose in life and pursue it. Be focused and avoid distractions. Pursuing your purpose keeps away any unrelated and unwanted influence. An idle mind will certainly fall for any suggestion. There is no vacuum in life.
  2. Choose to be a leader: You either lead or you follow. When you lead you will be the one to influence others. Using your purpose in life, add value to other people’s lives. Show them how to be their best. They will follow you. Be the good leader.
  3. Develop yourself. Build up yourself. Be versatile. A good knowledge of many topics or issues will put you ahead of others. This will draw the right people to you.
  4. Maximize your time: Successful people are always time conscious. Anything that will not add to them does not get their attention. So, always consider the value of a thing before you get involved. Your time is precious. You can never get “yesterday” back.
  5. Choose the right company: Your friends should be people who have goals in life and are working towards it. Preferably people who are of the same purpose as you are. Birds of the same feather flock together.
  6. Be discreet about what you read, watch or listen to: Whatever you store in your mind will affect you. It will influence your words, actions and thoughts. Choose what will not jeopardize your future.

Note: People may influence us but they don’t make the decisions for us. We do ALWAYS! Pressure may be much but we can subdue it with the help of God.

One Comment

    22 Mar 2024 22:56:44 Reply

    Thanks educative and helpful sermons. I do share them in our teens WhatsApp groups

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