Choosing a Godly Life Partner


Wisdom for Finding and Choosing a Godly Life Partner

A godly person lives in line with the laws and wishes of God. A godly person will progressively get better in character and in wisdom that the law of God imparts. This will eventually make him or her a good spouse.

Choosing a life partner is the biggest decision you’ll make outside of choosing to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. This is because it affects your destiny and even eternity.

It is good to critically and thoroughly analyze the most important factors involved in making it.

Things to avoid when choosing your life partner

  1. Rushed and hasty decision. Proverbs 19:2; 21:5
  2. Making physical attraction a major factor. Prov. 31:30; 23:5
  3. Making selfish interest a major factor

Wise things to put in place

  1. A good personal relationship with God.
  2. Robust information and knowledge on good marriage and excellent marital life.
  3. Fervent prayers for God’s guidance (Psalm 25:4-5) and for the Spirit of discernment (Psalm 143:8,10)
  4. Trust in the Lord to help you- Proverbs 3:5-6
  5. Get well acquainted first. Take time to study and know him/her usually done by dating. The usefulness of dating is marred by getting involved in sex which limits good judgement.

Wise things to look for

  1. Genuine fear of God not a mere religiosity.
  2. Love of God.
  3. Character Psalm 119:1,
    1. Trustworthiness- Does not lie.
    2. Graciousness i.e kind, courteous, pleasant, friendly, and compassionate
    3. Particularly righteousness
    4. Kindness to people- Eph 4:32
    5. Forgiving- easy to entreat
    6. Slow to anger
    7. Moral correctness (Not flirting not or flirtatious)- Proverbs 26:23
    8. Treats you and others with respect
    9. Treats her parents with due respect and honour Eph 6:2
    10. Good report from people. Proverbs 22:1
  1. The friends he/she keeps. 1 Corinthians 15:33
  2. His/her priorities- Are they wise?
  3. Spirituality
    • Full of love, faith, and hope
    • Puts God first


In getting a godly person to marry, you must be godly yourself and you must watch and pray. If you get it right, it is a lifelong joy for you, your spouse, children, and well-wishers.

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