Overcoming peculiar challenges in early part of marital life



Every marriage has difficulties because marriage is union of two people with different personalities and background. It is the union of two people that are independent and decide to come together to be married for the rest of their lives. Due to their differences in background there can be conflict between them as is the case where we live with neighbours who we don’t often get along with. Even people in business don’t always get along.


  1. Poor communication with too much argument
  2. Showing disrespect to your spouse
  3. Money issues
  4. Infertility or delay in getting pregnant
  5. Selfishness – You only want your way at the expense of your spouse in your marriage
  6. Bad/annoying habits
  7. Unfaithfulness – This may not be on extra marital affair alone but being unfaithful when it comes to time, attention, priorities, the way we use our resources and so much more.
  8. Making your career to be more important than your marriage
  9. Putting old relationships above your marriage e.g. parents, brothers, sisters and friends.
  10. Comparing your spouse with other people

Overcoming the challenges

  1. Success in marriage leaves clues and so does failure. Determine to make your marriage succeed from the beginning. – Prov 16:3 (Amp. version). Put in 100% in your marriage, it is very likely that your spouse will want to copy you and do the same.
  2. Pray for your spouse and the success of your marriage always
  3. Allow the spirit of God to direct you in your marriage
  4. Choose to love your spouse and act as if your spouse’s happiness is more important than your own
  5. Respect your spouse and don’t compare him or her with others
  6. Put your marriage above everything – Your carrier and family members even your children must not be ahead of your marriage
  7. Surround yourselves with people in healthy relationships
  8. Walk up to God and ask Him to give you your own child – Remember Hannah (1 Samuel 1:2 – 2: 21)
  9. Trust and be faithful to your spouse
  10. Get rid of all old, bad and annoying habits and start forming new habits together
  11. Stop taking each other for granted and don’t be selfish to your spouse
  12. Get counseling from marriage counselor, your pastor and medical experts for medical issues
  13. Communicate well with your spouse – always discuss and share your thoughts with eachother, decide together and avoid arguments
  14. Discuss your finances and budgets together. Don’t hide your income and expenditure from your spouse. Remember the rule of 70, 20 and 10 percents.


Most couples give up on their marriages without knowing that these challenges can actually be overcomed. The power of two can help you work through the challenges of building a very strong marital life. Developing a great intimacy with your spouse will increase the warmth and positivity in your relationship and help you rediscover the daily joy of being in a romantic partnership.

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